Student Canvas Resources


Canvas Student Orientation Course


OneLogin Portal OR Cougarweb Access


Canvas Student Orientation Course

Student Introduction to Canvas Course

Begin exploring Canvas! Learn how to navigate and use its tools and features.

The Canvas Student Orientation  course covers essential topics such as navigating the platform, accessing course materials, submitting assignments, and engaging in discussions, providing students with the necessary tools to succeed in their academic journey.




More Canvas Resources

Find the basic computer system requirements needed to use Canvas.

Learn about the browsers, settings and other web components necessary to use various tools and functions in Canvas.


Check the status of current Canvas issues.


Find answers to common questions about Canvas.

Canvas on your mobile device!


Get links to academic, technical and other student resources at Collin College.

Setting Up Canvas Notifications

It is your responsibility to have your Canvas Notifications set up to receive course alerts. It's your choice if you receive notifications via text, app, or email. It is essential that you make sure you are receiving (and reading!) course announcements, new course content, grades and conversations at the very minimum.


Canvas Studio (Video Tool)

Canvas Studio is an integrated video sharing platform that will allow students to create and submit video assignments in Canvas. 


Click here to learn more about using Studio in your Canvas course.

Netiquette Guidelines

Keep all postings to class‐related content, such as the textbook readings, videos, and assignments.
Use caution when discussing personal matters; the discussion board is for general comments.
Ask each other for advice, suggestions, and tips to improve the quality of class work.
Encourage each member of the class to do the best work possible.

Don't challenge or attack others; the discussions are meant to stimulate conversation, not create contention.
Avoid all defamatory, profane, threatening, offensive, or illegal materials; do not post anything in a message that you would not want the world to see, or you would not want anyone to know came from you.
Avoid using the discussion board as a forum for complaints; any relevant issues should be brought to the professor's attention in a private e‐mail.
Don't use inappropriate language toward other students and/or the professor.
Any violation of the standards of appropriate behavior online will be reported to the Dean of Students and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken by the college.


Technology Support

eLearing Centers

Monday - Thursday, 8 am - 6 pm
Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

Student Technical Support

Available 24x7
